Understand the Details of the Offer to Purchase received from the Buyer

Congratulations!!! You have an offer!   Offer details: Offer price: what the buyer wants to pay for your property How to respond: Send us an email that we can forward to the buyer’s agent as your response.  Your contact information will not be included when we send it over to the buyer’s agent. When accepting an offer: Thank the buyer …

How do Realtors get paid?

Are Realtors employees or independent contractors? Most Realtors are independent contractors. Some Realtors are salaried employees depending on their duties within a firm. Generally a listing agent or buyer’s agent is an independent contractor. Who pays the Realtor? Realtor compensation usually comes out of the seller’s proceeds of the property sale at closing and is paid to the representing firm. …

Home Owners Association

HOA or No HOA? Some neighborhoods and most condos & townhome communities have a Home Owners Association. The question about living in a comminity with an HOA really depends on you and your lifestyle. Your attitude also plays into the decision. Let’s talk this through and see how you feel about it. Do you like to make all of your …

How has COVID-19 affected the value of my home?

What has affected our economy? We ended 2019 and began 2020 with COVID-19 which has been with us for a while now. Therefore the economy has suffered due to the attempt to save lives and control the spread of COVID-19. This is a global issue that has affected the economic status of the world. Good news: Unlike the The Global …

Getting your home ready to sell?

  The Carswell Team can help you get ready: A little blue bird told me that you are thinking of getting your home ready to sell.  There are so many things to do to start that process.  We will make it easy on you so that you don’t waste time and especially money. Step 1: Call Paul & Meredith Carswell …

Buying a home in 2020

2020 has been an interesting year: What an interesting year we have had so far.  Never say “it can’t get any worse” because 2020 has proven that it can.  If you have been in the market to buy a home this year has had its challenges.  With COVID-19 we have had communities shut down, limited air travel, difficult long distance …